Line Speed
Line Speed
Of all the methods we’ve devised to catch trout over the years, only one hits like a smack from an over-eager nun patrolling rows of desks in a classroom. Dry fly sips and indicator dips have their time and place, but sometimes you just want to feel that grab and there’s no better way to do that than with a streamer—whether it’s the feisty pluck of a high country cutty or the gluttonous grab of a big water brown. Either way, you can take away the guesswork, the pauses, the eyes that get sore from watching, watching, watching. Explore the right tools to take your streamer game to the next level.
The easy-loading yet powerful action of R8 CORE efficiently delivers a wide range of streamers and sinking tip lines with minimal fatigue to the angler. Additionally, a strong supporting butt allows plenty of pulling power for keeping aggressive fish out of heavy structure once hooked.
Suited to anglers looking for an versatile streamer rod that loads sink tips and a variety streamer sizes with minimal effort.—
Line Speed
High line speeds paired with a deeper load offer accurate and more forgiving delivery of up-the-gut streamer rigs.—
Roll casts while wade fishing, moderate distance presentations from the boat or bank.—
Fast is the name of the game with the IGNITER. An ultra-powerful blank allows seamless pickup of the heaviest sink-tip lines and largest flies off the water, and delivers them back into the zone with rapid efficiency. Aggressive from the tip to the butt, the IGNITER is designed to punch through even the stiffest cross-winds and deliver your fly in the most demanding of conditions.
Suited to anglers with an aggressive casting stroke that are looking for an ultra-powerful streamer rod to match.—
Line Speed
Ultra-fast line speeds drive tight loops to cut through stiff winds and deliver wind-resistant streamers with ease.—
Quick-shot/rapid fire streamer fishing from a boat, long casts into the wind, big stillwaters, heavy flies and sink tips.—
Sometimes it’s swinging a simple streamer through a riffle, sometimes it’s jigging a sculpzilla behind some tasty pocket water. Either way having a setup that can turn over these flies and control them in a variety of presentations is going to greatly increase odds of success. If large articulated or heavily weighted streamers aren't often used, we prefer a 6 weight to keep fatigue to a minimum.
Rod: R8 CORE 690-4FB
Reel: TROUT 4/5/6
Lines: RIO Elite Predator WF6F/H/I/S3
Flies: Woolly Buggers, small sculpins
Fisheries: Roaring Fork, San Juan River, Yellowstone River
Big flies, big fish - or so it goes. When trout reach a certain size, often times they become highly predatory and their diet switches to consist mostly of other fish. This is when large flies and heavy sink tips come into play, and the more time your fly is in the zone, the greater your chances. For the true trophy trout hunter, a rod setup that can efficiently deliver these heavy wind resistant setups day-in and day-out is imperative to success.
Rod: IGNITER 790-4
Reel: ARBOR XL 6/7/8
Lines: RIO Elite Predator WF7F/H/I/S3
Flies: Large baitfish patterns, articulated streamers, mice
Fisheries: White River, Delaware River, Henry's Fork