Salmon Nymphing Rigs
When the salmon start stacking up, time is of the essence. With RIO's rigs, you can be sure you're fishing at a moment's notice with a rig set up for success.

Drift It Low and Slow
The run is on. Salmon, steelhead, and lake-run browns are all on the move with one goal- spawn and destroy anything in their path. This means eggs and nymphs can be the ticket as anadromous species will just about grab anything due to aggression. This full rig requires a good amount of split shot underneath a large indicator.

Elite Indicator
The Indicator line is designed for long casts and big dead drifts with nymph rigs. Wade anglers and those fishing from an anchored boat can maximize their drift by casting far upstream, mending as their rig drifts even with their position, then stack mending with ease as it travels downstream. The long head allows for efficient mending at distance for a seamless and longer natural drift.

Steelhead/Salmon Leader & Fluoroflex Strong Tippet
Steelhead/Salmon Leaders are built to match the needs of the steelhead and salmon fly fisher. The leaders are made of a medium stiff nylon that is incredibly tough and highly abrasion resistant, and designed with a powerful taper design that easily turns over larger flies, and cope with tough winds. Add Fluoroflex Strong for its strength and abrasion resistance, and you're good to go.

Nymphin' ain't pretty when fishing a heavy-duty indicator rig for steelhead, salmon, and other anadromous fish, but it is super effective. Just grab a handful of egg flies and attractor patterns, and you'll be bobber down in no time.
General Salmon Nymphing Rig
Salmon Nymphing Flies

Nymph Now, Swing Later
You're on big water, but fish won't take a swung fly or streamer, so what next? It's time to break out the ol' chuck n' duck rig and watch that indicator drop. Cover water more efficiently without tiring out by utilizing the switch rod's ability to roll cast and extra length to make mends until that fly is dead, drifting right into the strike zone.

Elite Switch Indicator
The Indicator line is designed for long casts and big dead drifts with nymph rigs. Wading anglers and those fishing from a boat can maximize their drifts. The long head allows for efficient mending, especially when combined with the extra length of a switch rod. 30ft weights are selected to easily load switch rods when overhead casting and have enough mass to carry and turn over indicator rigs.

Steelhead/Salmon Leader & Fluoroflex Strong Tippet
Steelhead/Salmon Leaders are built to match the needs of the steelhead and salmon fly fisher. The leaders are made of a medium stiff nylon that is incredibly tough and highly abrasion resistant, and designed with a powerful taper design that easily turns over larger flies, and cope with tough winds. The ideal choice for heavy eggs or nymphs. Add Fluoroflex Strong for its strength and abrasion resistance—and you're set!

Nymphin' ain't pretty when fishing a heavy-duty indicator rig for steelhead, salmon, and other anadromous fish, but it is super effective. Just grab a handful of egg flies and attractor patterns, and you'll be bobber down in no time.