Turneffe Flats Lodge, Turneffe Atoll
1. Getting there
I fished the morning with Belize River Lodge and then was dropped off at the pier in Belize City next to the Radisson Hotel. From here, we hopped on Turneffe Flats’s dive boats and headed out to the atoll. It was a smooth and beautiful 1.5 hour ride out to the lodge.
2. Overall experience of the lodge
Turneffe Flats Lodge is an impressive operation on the northern edge of Turneffe Atoll. I'm was impressed with the logistics that it takes to run operations in these remote locations. The lodge itself is a well-run machine due to its professional and competent staff. Accommodations are clean and comfortable, and it was a friendly reminder of why Turneffe Flats Lodge continues to be a Fly Water favorite. The food was great and the staff was ever friendly. Having an orientation for guests on the island was a nice touch. It seemed to clear any questions and reservations that the guests had right out of the gate. This is another great option for a guest that want to target the Grand Slam. Bonefish in the inner lagoon are more forgiving while the bonefish on the outer flats were rather technical. I thought it was nice to have both options at the fisheries disposal for guests’ preference.
3. Favorite moment
My favorite moment was working a school of permit for quite some time as they moved in and out of the reef. After taking multiple shots and serveral fly changes, I was able to finally convince one to eat. Unfortunately, it proceeded to make a big run and break me off on a coral head before I could lighten my drag. It’s those fish that always keep you coming back.
4. Operation synopsis (who is this best for)
Turneffe Flats is a great option for any guest. Whether you're an angler, diver or adventurer the lodge covers all your bases. The lodge has a multitude of options, but the two most common for our Fly Water Travel guests are the Angling and Atoll Adventure packages. This gives a great opportunity for families and couples who don’t fish to enjoy activities and eco-tours around the atoll.
Belize is a country filled with diversity and opportunities for fly anglers. It's hard to imagine a country that is so small, yet so easily able to traverse eco-systems from dense jungle to broad flats and from pristine mangrove lined creeks to coral reefs. Principal is the ability to appeal to hardcore saltwater flats anglers as easily as it does normal vacation goers just looking for an escape. Belize offers a brilliant kaleidoscope of options and variable itineraries with a little something for absolutely everyone. From fishing to snorkeling, from lazy beach days to birding, to some of the most intense encounters with shallow water permit imaginable, let us match you with the perfect trip to brilliant Belize.