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Destination Reports
Northern Lights Lodge, British Columbia 2022 Season Report
Curtis Royer | Northern Lights Lodge
December 15, 2022
2022 was a big year! The brood run in the Quesnel drainage had more than 800,000 sockeye salmon return to spawn which was incredible to see and will benefit the fishery for years to come! While the fishing was tough at times because we had so many salmon, the trout were very well fed! I didn't know native wild rainbows could grow potbellies! For 2023 we are confident the rainbow and bull trout will be in excellent shape! The salmon are so important to this fishery as the eggs and fry feed the trout; the salmon themselves feed the invertebrates in the rivers. This nutrient load draws more fish out of the lake into the rivers during the summer dry fly season. With the strong brood run in 2022 we expect the next few years we should see humble sockeye returns that should make for excellent autumn fishing!
Our June stillwater fly fishing is a lot of fun if you have never tried it and summer dry fly fishing packages never disappoint!
At the lodge this year we had some very exciting things going on. Our new chef Carol did an excellent job! We had a few new guides added to our roster and Gordy even made a few appearances even though he swears he is retired now, we will see!
We plan to keep working and improving our program to keep this place as authentic and pristine as we can! Skeed and Sharon are hoping to retire as Karla and myself are working to help make this a reality for them. After Skeed had his heart attack on Boxing Day 2021 he has been getting his strength back more and more and does not plan on trying to wrangle any more trapped moose out of neighbors wells! He and Sharon plan to stay up in the Great White North this winter and will be around the lodge next year to visit and enjoy time with guests.
Currently the US/Canada border is open to all travelers and we do not expect that to change.
Curtis Royer - Northern Lights Lodge
Northern Lights Lodge
Experience an unpretentious classic fishing lodge that prides itself on fishing lightly pressured BC waters for wild rainbow and bull trout.