Southland, New Zealand - Guide Kristina Placko Season Report
Dylan Rose
March 29, 2024
Our friend and Southland, New Zealand guide Kristina Placko sent us her past season's fishing recap. Kristina is a fun, experienced, and safe guide fishing out of the small town of Lumsden.
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By Kristina Placko - Stray South New Zealand
Another season is drawing to a close in the Deep South of New Zealand, and it’s been a busy one! From the epicenter of Southland’s Brown Trout fishery here in Lumsden, the weather absolutely threw everything at us including more rain than we would typically expect for the summer months.
From the high-country freestone rivers to the low country streams, creeks and tributaries, the waters remained at good levels and fishable throughout the peak summer period. The trout were plentiful with during a periodically short-but-sweet ‘Willow Grub’ season and as always, many challenging and rewarding ‘grubbing’ trout were caught…and some landed!
With the clear, warm and bluebird sky days the cicadas upped the ante and fish were keen as they come! Those surface takes on big dries mimicking tussock cicadas of multiple shapes and colors, had many an anglers’ heart stop and time stand still as the ultimate dry fly take unfolded before their very eyes. It truly is what NZ summer trout fly fishing is about. I’m off now to catch the autumn mayfly hatch.
South New Zealand, Independent Guides
If you are interested in fishing with Kristina in the 2024/2025 season reach out, as prime dates are already filling up. Email our expert Max Salzburg for more information.