The Ultimate Game Fish
The golden dorado (Salminus brasiliensis) is, without question, one of the world’s greatest game fish. With massive, powerful jaws, razor-sharp teeth, vicious predatory instincts, and wild aerial displays, they represent one of the ultimate target species for adventuresome fly anglers. Indigenous to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, and Bolivia, they often hunt in packs, chasing down their favorite baitfish, the sabalo. They can grow to over 60 pounds, and while most are in the 10-to 25-pound class, they are all too happy to attack baitfish in the six to eight-pound class. While fishing dorado at Tsimane, it is common to hook a four or five-pound fish only to have it attacked and, in some cases, completely swallowed by a larger dorado. Sometimes, you get half of your fish back; other times, it's just a shredded mess that looks like pasta with red sauce. It is equally as common to observe aggressive dorado trying to steal or eat the fly hanging out of the mouth of the fish you are fighting. Generally speaking, they display very poor manners.
Were one to take the best elements of a tarpon, a steelhead and something nasty, like a barracuda, spray paint it brilliant gold, and highlight it with black pinstripes, you would have a golden dorado. If you put that fish in the most pristine jungle environment imaginable, with untouched freestone rivers, massive log jams, incredible wildlife, countless bird species, and kind, fascinating native peoples, you would have Tsimane. While the Tsimane systems have resident dorado year-round, they also have a strong migratory population. Each season, typically in late May and June, millions of baitfish migrate up the greater Secure system, and with them come schools of large, aggressively feeding dorado. Here, it is common to see packs of fierce dorado herding baitfish into the shallows and mercilessly ripping through them. From a great distance, you can see the frothing commotion as the bait leaps into the air in a desperate effort to escape. From a quarter mile away, the raining down of sabalo sounds like a dump truck dropping 20 yards of gravel. When you find yourself in the midst of this carnage, frantically casting a six-inch fly into a fray of shark-like yellow fins and tails, you will have arrived in the Tsimane Zone
Tackle and Techniques
There is something special about targeting fish that are inherently mean and aggressive. Tentative soft takes or nipping at the tail of a long fly is not part of the program. When these fish come for your offering, they come hard and fast and no matter if your fly is three inches long or eight inches long with the hook way up at the head, they hammer the entire offering virtually every time. My preferred outfit is fast action nine-foot 8 or 9-weight rod. Pair that with a good saltwater reel and a weight forward line designed to throw big flies (like the Rio Elite Warmwater Predator line); a seven foot section of straight 40-pound mono and two feet of 40-pound wire attached with an Albright knot and you are set for 90 percent of the fishing situations that you will encounter.
When it comes to flies, the favored bets tend to be four to ten inches long and tied on 3/0 - 5/0 hooks. The most common designs are based on brush flies and saltwater streamers. Rio’s King Kinky Muddler, Big Baitfish and the Brammer Imposter all produced this past season. Additionally, large poppers, mice and sliders, can provide explosive top-water action.
All in all, there are few, if any, trips that I get more excited about than Tsimane. With great guides, accommodations, natural beauty, and wildlife, as well as the high likelihood of tangling with multiple fish in the ten-plus pound range every day, I see this as a true must-see destination for all serious adventure anglers.