The spectacularly beautiful and rugged Pyrenees Range forms the natural border between northeastern Spain and France. Branching out of the 270-mile mountain range, into the seldom-traveled hill country of Spain, are 14 major river valleys with 60 remarkable wild trout rivers.
Scattered throughout this sparsely populated region are quaint, picture-perfect villages, wineries, castles, and cultural sites dating back thousands of years. This is the home of Salvelinus, a sophisticated fly fishing outfitter with two lodges, an incredible fishing program, and a polished staff of tour guides for travel companions who want to experience all that this appealing region has to offer.
While it may come as a surprise, many well-traveled anglers, including Barry and Cathy Beck, will tell you Salvelinus’s trout fishing program compares very favorably to many of the world’s finest. They have access to a vast array of mountain lakes and streams as well as countless mid-elevation and lowland rivers. The higher elevation rivers and lakes offer increased catch rates for smaller fish in dramatic alpine settings, while the mid-elevation and lowland tailwaters produce some truly remarkable fishing for large wild rainbows and browns. The other bonus for the uninitiated is Spain’s barble fishery. Barbel are a remarkable European sportfish often referred to as freshwater bonefish due to their tenacity and fight once hooked. They are by no means easy to catch, but when conditions are right, they readily feed on surface flies. In these waters, they average two to four pounds but trophy barble over 10 pounds are not uncommon.