The night before we were due to go fishing the heavens opened and the rain crashed down most of the night, and when we met Russ the next morning, he had had to shuffle a couple of plans around because of the weather. It was still raining lightly when we met him, and it continued to do so for most of the day. Russ took us to one of his secret rivers where we rigged up with 5wt rods and long leaders and started at the downstream end of the "beat" we had been allocated.
Despite the slightly colored water and rain, the river Russ had chosen was shallow and had big trout in, making it relatively easy to see them. They could also see you, and many fish bolted when they caught sight of us against the skyline. Keeping low and moving slowly with bushes for background was essential to get in range of any of these spooky fish, and when we were able to get in casting range and present an accurate, delicate cast and get a drag free drift, the trout were very willing feeders.
The fish were all brown trout, and averaged a little over 3lbs, and despite the rain, we caught over a dozen beautiful trout that day – all on dry flies, and all sight fished. It was an incredible experience and if you have never fished in New Zealand, and like this kind of fishing, it should move to the very top of your bucket list. Perhaps more importantly, the new line from RIO did exactly what it was designed to do - it turned over very long leaders with ease, presented dry flies like thistledown, had great mending control and didn’t spook any fish – not much more you want in a dry fly line than that! Look for it in shops in late summer 2019.
New Zealand, North Island, a river near Turangi
March 2019
Simon Gawesworth & Tore Nielsen (New Zealand RIO distributor), with ace guide Russell Anderson
Brown Trout
Light rain, overcast with no wind
Best Fly
Dad's Favourite, size 12 - A Kiwi pattern
Sage X 9ft #5
Lines Used
Prototype new RIO Trout dry fly line – “Tackle Testing”
12ft tapered Powerflex Plus leader, with additional 4 foot of 4X Powerflex Plus Tippet
Sight fishing with an upstream dry fly