A winter or spring steelheading trip to Haida Gwaii (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands) is unlike any other; it’s one of the most unique and challenging venues we have found. These remote islands, located 60 miles offshore from the mouth of the Skeena River, receive more than 200 inches of rain per year and offer an abundance of little-known wild winter steelhead streams. These rivers are known for their extremely bright, hard fighting fish, lots of woody debris, tannin-stained waters, and challenging casting due to lots of low hanging branches. For experienced anglers that like fisheries where technical skills are rewarded, this may be the ultimate venue.
Anglers will often fish four separate systems during their week-long stay and move between both Morseby and Graham Islands by ferry. While these rivers rise and fall quickly, the system’s varying nature makes it so that when one river is too high another might just be hitting its sweet spot. Accordingly, this is a very flexible program that morphs in accordance with the prevailing conditions. With three very experienced guides typically serving four anglers, this is a hands-on, physical, and rewarding trip.