The Wild Side of Kendjam Lodge, Brazil - Rare Dates Combining Fishing & Wildlife
Landon Mace
March 13, 2024
Kendjam Lodge in Brazil combines the wild nature of the jungle with some outrageous angling opportunities.
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Kendjam Lodge in Brazil offers some of the best opportunities in the world to experience seeing a range of jungle fauna, combined with an incredible cultural experience and ample chances to check off some new species from your lifetime angling list. July is a great time to find aggressively feeding fish and sight fishing encounters abound. The weather is generally good with plenty of sunny days and calm evenings. Mid-August through mid-September is also a great time of the year for anglers that appreciate unique and awe-inspiring wildlife encounters. With the water generally at it's lowest and clearest point of the season, it provides perfect conditions for spotting tapir, jaguars, exotic birds, and crocodilians as they are regularly seen on the exposed river banks. Most fish species are lying in wait for a fly in deeper water, while wolffish will often wait for a chance opportunity to ambush a popper in shallower water.
Available Dates:
July 14 - 21, 2024: 4 spots
August 25 - September 1, 2024: 2 spots
September 1 - 8, 2024: 4 spots
2024 Rate:Per person based on double occupancy
8 night/6 day package: $6,990 plus $600 native fees
Destination Report
Kendjam Lodge, Brazil
Arguably the most beautiful, clear flowing jungle river in Brazil with fishing reminiscent of great western trout fishing.