The Art Of The Right Tool


There is perhaps no better way to understand the intricate interplay between a perfectly matched rod and line than with spey casting. An over or undermatched spey rod feels dead in the hands, but find that Goldilocks-just-right pairing of shooting head and rod and you’ll gain a whole new understanding of effortless. For a long time, that casting Zen was the special purview of salmon and steelhead bums, but fortunately someone came to the brilliant realization that trout will eat flies cast with a spey rod, too. Read more to dial in your perfect Trout Spey setup.

Fast Action


Built on a foundation of our Konnetic HD Technology, the TROUT SPEY HD blends the best of light weight and sensitivity. Due to its supreme tracking capabilities and tip recovery, the tip of the rod feels close to your hands and each stroke becomes intuitive and effortless.


Suited to the dedicated Spey angler that's looking for the highest performance two-hander for their favorite trout waters.—


Easy-to-access high line speed allows a wide range of heads, tips, and flies to be utilized with precision, and fished effectively in variable conditions.—


Spey casting for trout, swinging soft hackles & streamers on sink tips or skating dry flies on a light scandi line.—

Fast Action


The TROUT SPEY G5 is built on our proven Generation 5 Technology and is going to be a bit slower paced than the TROUT SPEY HD. Able to provide plenty of turnover capabilities for most Trout Spey situations and accept a good diversity of line and tip configurations, this will be a great all-around stick for the trout angler looking to dive into the two-handed game.


Forgiving in nature and accepting of a wide-range of line setups and casting styles, the TROUT SPEY G5 is great for novice or experienced Spey anglers alike.—

Line Speed

Loading a bit deeper into the butt, this rod provides moderate to fast line speed capabilities that are both forgiving and offer versatility.—


Swinging moderate sized streamers and nymphs on lighter sink tips.—